- Videos
- Arts Education
- Career Education
- English Language Arts
- Health Education
- Mathematics
- Physical Education
- Practical & Applied Arts
- Level 10
- Accounting
- Autobody
- Career and Work Exploration
- Clothing, Textiles and Fashion
- Commercial Cooking
- Communication Media
- Construction and Carpentry
- Cosmetology
- Design Studies
- Drafting
- Driver Education
- Electrical and Electronics
- Energy and Mines
- Food Studies
- Graphic Arts
- Horticulture
- Information Processing
- Mechanical and Automotive
- Photography
- Welding
- Wildlife Management
- Upholstery
Level 20
- Accounting
- Autobody
- Career and Work Exploration
- Commercial Cooking
- Communication Media
- Construction and Carpentry
- Cosmetology
- Design Studies
- Drafting
- Electrical and Electronics
- Energy and Mines
- Forestry Studies
- Graphic Arts
- Horticulture
- Information Processing
- Life Transitions
- Machining
- Mechanical and Automotive
- Photography
- Theatre Arts
- Welding
- Wildlife Management
- Upholstery
Level 30
- Accounting
- Agriculture Studies
- Autobody
- Career and Work Exploration
- Clothing, Textiles and Fashion
- Commercial Cooking
- Communication Media
- Construction and Carpentry
- Cosmetology
- Drafting
- Electrical and Electronics
- Energy and Mines
- Entrepreneurship
- Food Studies
- Forestry Studies
- Graphic Arts
- Horticulture
- Housing
- Information Processing
- Interior Design
- Life Transitions
- Machining
- Mechanical and Automotive
- Photography
- Theatre Arts
- Tourism, Hospitality and Entrepreneurship
- Welding
- Wildlife Management
- Upholstery
- Level 10
- Science
- Social Studies
Okiciyapi Partnership in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
As an example of promising practices within a K-12 system, a partnership between a provincial school division and First Nations/Métis organizations is highlighted. In June 2003, the Saskatoon Public School Division (SPSD) signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Saskatoon Tribal Council to establish a partnership focused on promoting, strengthening and facilitating First Nations and Métis education in all of their schools and communities through the development of an anti-racism strategy. In June 2006, SPSD also signed a renewed Memorandum of Understanding with Saskatoon Tribal Council that included the Central Urban Métis Federation Inc. In the planning process, the partners adopted the partnership name, Okiciyapi, a Dakota word which means "working together for the better good (common purpose)." This partnership has created opportunities for shared decision-making with First Nations and Métis. The partnership has resulted in projects related to the inclusion of FNMI content, perspectives and ways of knowing into the learning program, the development of units of study that incorporate FNMI ways of knowing, representative workforce initiatives, the development of language/culture programs, research on FNMI education, antiracist education and shared governance.
- Duration 19:00
- Content Canada | FNMI | Saskatchewan
- R Number R054337
- License Rights in Perpetuity