
Videos are listed chronologically by date added, beginning with the most recent

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Focus on Coding and STEM: Grades 4-6

In this 45-minute broadcast students will use STEM skills of observation, comparing & contrasting and sorting & classifying to further develop their computational thinking skills of pattern recognition, decomposition, abstraction and logic. They will also explore how computers use sorting network...


Project X. Flight

The Project X team explores the physics of flight. The video program examines machines, such as a hang glider, to illustrate the principles of flight. Also, how a human body, such as an alpine ski jumper, must be streamlined to increase drag and how ski jumpers spread themselves out to optimize l...

Fall Comes to Lac La Ronge

Fall Comes to Lac La Ronge is a 15 minute video produced by Randy Johns and Richard Frisky for KCDC. It details the cycle of the seasons as they slowly transform from the glory of summer to the splendour of fall. How various life forms prepare for fall is highlighted, including the migration patt...

Soldiers Return Home. Episode 7

In the video, Reg Harrison, a boy from the prairies, shares his personal story of challenges, risks and dangers faced while serving in the Royal Canadian Air Force as a pilot with the Bomber Command during the Second World War.

HMCS Regina. Episode 3

In the video, Donald MacIntosh, veteran and survivor of the HMCS Regina sinking, explores the role the Canadian Navy played in the Second World War and that of the corvettes in protecting convoys while experiencing great personal risks.

The Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico

In late April, an explosion rocked an oil-drilling platform in the Gulf of Mexico. It took almost three months to cap the leaking well, and many beaches and wildlife areas were polluted. This video explores the damage the oil spill caused, the efforts to contain it, and if an ecological catastrop...

Earthquakes. The Horror and the Science

In late February, an earthquake strikes Chile killing more than 800 people. Two months before another earthquake kills more than 220,000 people in Haiti. Why did so many more die in one country and what makes the earth move?

The Hunt

Series: Wapos Bay 2
In this episode from the Wapos Bay Series, the community is celebrating Kokum Mary's nomination for a lifetime Aboriginal Accomplishment Award. Mushom, Jacob, Talon, and T-Bear go moose hunting for the traditional honour feast. During the hunt, T-Bear encounters an older hunter named Gabriel, who...

Canada's Amazing NEPTUNE Project

Although humans have travelled all the way to the moon and back, the bottom of the sea remains largely unexplored. Now some Canadian scientists are doing something about that by placing sensors and cameras on the seabed off Vancouver Island. This story looks at the NEPTUNE Canada project.

The Copenhagen Climate Change Summit

In December, 192 nations gather in Copenhagen to discuss climate change. The plan was to begin drafting a document to replace the Kyoto Protocol that expires in 2012.

Two Canadians Meet in Space

In July, Canadian astronaut Julie Payette rocketed into space and made history. When she met her colleague, Robert Thirsk, on board the International Space Station, it was the first time two Canadians had been in space at once.

The Rockies

Geologists search for clues of massive tectonic shifts that reverberate through the continent, forcing the mountains up out of the plains. Bends and cracks reveal the growth pangs of the mountain building era.

The Great Lakes

This episode tells the story of the changes in the geology and landscape of the vast central area of North America. In recent geologic history, five interconnected freshwater lakes are formed. We explore a long vanished mountain range, the remains of a tropical salt-water sea and trace the story ...

The Canadian Shield

Geologic time has shaped the Canadian Shield into a complex ensemble ranging over millions of square kilometres. The geography of the Shield has been surveyed from North to South, and yet its underground world still leaves much to be explored. The Canadian Shield is one of the last frontiers of h...

Displaying videos 1 - 15 of 19 in total