Level 30 Life Transitions

Videos are listed chronologically by date added, beginning with the most recent

Traditional Teachings Part 2. Chapter Ten

Barry Ahenakew shares the story of the Sacred Tree of Life.


Traditional Teachings Part 2. Chapter Nine

Elder Velma Goodfeather from the Standing Buffalo Dakota First Nation shares stories and wisdom.


Traditional Teachings Part 2. Chapter Eight

Elder Joe O'Watch from the Carry the Kettle Nakota First Nation shares stories and wisdom.


Traditional Teachings Part 2. Chapter Seven

Knowledge Keeper Jessie Sylvestre from the Buffalo River Dené First Nation shares stories and wisdom.


Traditional Teachings Part 2. Chapter Six

Elder James Sylvestre from the Buffalo River Dené First Nation shares stories and wisdom.


Traditional Teachings Part 1. Chapter Five

Elder Juliette McAdam from the Big River Cree First Nation shares stories and wisdom.


Traditional Teachings Part 1. Chapter Four

Elder Francis McAdam from the Big River Cree First Nation shares stories and wisdom.


Traditional Teachings Part 1. Chapter Three

Elder Thelma Musqua from the Keeseekoose Saulteaux First Nation shares stories and wisdom.


Traditional Teachings Part 1. Chapter Two

Elder Daniel Musqua from the Keeseekoose Saulteaux First Nation shares stories and wisdom.


Traditional Teachings Part 1. Chapter One

Sylvia McAdam shares the story of the Creator's Flame.


Traditional Teachings Part 1. Introduction

An introduction to the content and purpose of the Traditional Teachings project.


Who's Minding the Store?

This Marketplace investigation reveals how thieves are stealing credit card and debit card information. Thieves break into stores, gas stations and restaurants and rip out the hard drives attached to the point of sale terminals. While stores and restaurants often keep quiet about the theft and cr...

Debt Nation: Personal Finances in Crisis

In this video, students will learn that Canada is a nation of debt. Today, Canadians owe more than $801 billion. Personal bankruptcies are at a record high and there are over 74 million credit cards. Students often graduate with an accumulated debt of $25,000 or more. In this video, three familie...

F.A.S. When the Children Grow Up

This documentary explores the experiences and challenges of young adults living with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). Through first person accounts and expert testimonials, the program examines the causes, effects, stigmas, and myths associated with FASD and the factors that can improve th...

Don't Risk Your Life

Series: Ready for Work
Don't Risk Your Life is a short educational drama that helps to educate young people about their rights and responsibilities in the workplace. Young people tell their personal experiences of being injured on the job. Family members share their stories of having lost a loved one. New workers and e...

Displaying all 15 videos