Grade 6 Science
Videos are listed chronologically by date added, beginning with the most recent
Another Test: This resource was made for testing purposes only.
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Focus on Coding and STEM: Grades 4-6
In this 45-minute broadcast students will use STEM skills of observation, comparing & contrasting and sorting & classifying to further develop their computational thinking skills of pattern recognition, decomposition, abstraction and logic. They will also explore how computers use sorting network...
Fall Comes to Lac La Ronge
Fall Comes to Lac La Ronge is a 15 minute video produced by Randy Johns and Richard Frisky for KCDC. It details the cycle of the seasons as they slowly transform from the glory of summer to the splendour of fall. How various life forms prepare for fall is highlighted, including the migration patt...
Soldiers Return Home. Episode 7
In the video, Reg Harrison, a boy from the prairies, shares his personal story of challenges, risks and dangers faced while serving in the Royal Canadian Air Force as a pilot with the Bomber Command during the Second World War.