- Videos
- Arts Education
- Career Education
- English Language Arts
- Health Education
- Mathematics
- Physical Education
- Practical & Applied Arts
- Level 10
- Accounting
- Autobody
- Career and Work Exploration
- Clothing, Textiles and Fashion
- Commercial Cooking
- Communication Media
- Construction and Carpentry
- Cosmetology
- Design Studies
- Drafting
- Driver Education
- Electrical and Electronics
- Energy and Mines
- Food Studies
- Graphic Arts
- Horticulture
- Information Processing
- Mechanical and Automotive
- Photography
- Welding
- Wildlife Management
- Upholstery
Level 20
- Accounting
- Autobody
- Career and Work Exploration
- Commercial Cooking
- Communication Media
- Construction and Carpentry
- Cosmetology
- Design Studies
- Drafting
- Electrical and Electronics
- Energy and Mines
- Forestry Studies
- Graphic Arts
- Horticulture
- Information Processing
- Life Transitions
- Machining
- Mechanical and Automotive
- Photography
- Theatre Arts
- Welding
- Wildlife Management
- Upholstery
Level 30
- Accounting
- Agriculture Studies
- Autobody
- Career and Work Exploration
- Clothing, Textiles and Fashion
- Commercial Cooking
- Communication Media
- Construction and Carpentry
- Cosmetology
- Drafting
- Electrical and Electronics
- Energy and Mines
- Entrepreneurship
- Food Studies
- Forestry Studies
- Graphic Arts
- Horticulture
- Housing
- Information Processing
- Interior Design
- Life Transitions
- Machining
- Mechanical and Automotive
- Photography
- Theatre Arts
- Tourism, Hospitality and Entrepreneurship
- Welding
- Wildlife Management
- Upholstery
- Level 10
- Science
- Social Studies
Comprendre les dangers liés au soudage
Les procédés de soudage sont extrêmement techniques et peuvent créer des conditions de travail dangereuses. Le soudage oxyacétylénique et le soudage à l'arc électrique présentent des risques de sécurité et de santé aux soudeurs et aux travailleurs situés à leur proximité. L'exposition à ces risques peut mener aux blessures physiques temporaires ou permanentes et même la mort.
- Duration 16:00
- ROVER ID R103347
- R Number R103347
- License Expires: September 1, 2025