The Real Story of the King's Speech
Series: News in Review: May 2011
The British movie, The King's Speech, is the big winner at the Academy Awards ceremony. It tells the story of King George VI's struggle to overcome a speech impediment. This video examines how much of the film is history, and how much is Hollywood.
Suggested Uses
- Communication Media >  Level 10
- Communication Media >  Level 20
- Communication Media >  Level 30
- Arts Education >  Level 10 >  Visual Art Strand
- Arts Education >  Level 20 >  Visual Art Strand
- Arts Education >  Level 30 >  Visual Art Strand
- ELA Title Search >  Grade B30 >  The Search for Self
- English Language Arts >  Grade B30 >  The Search for Self
(Click on the link above to see additional videos recommended for a specific suggested use.)