Little Thunder
Series: Vistas
Vistas is a series of films produced by Canadian Aboriginal filmmakers, on the subject of nationhood. This animated short, inspired by the Mi'kmaq legend The Stone Canoe, explores Aboriginal humour. We follow Little Thunder as he reluctantly leaves his family and sets out on a cross-country canoe trip to become a man.
Suggested Uses
- ELA Title Search >  Grade A30 >  Canadian Landscapes: Diverse and Dynamic
- English Language Arts >  Grade A30 >  Canadian Landscapes: Diverse and Dynamic
- ELA Title Search >  Grade A10 >  The Challenges of Life
- English Language Arts >  Grade A10 >  The Challenges of Life
- ELA Title Search >  Grade B10 >  Equity and Ethics
- English Language Arts >  Grade B10 >  Equity and Ethics
(Click on the link above to see additional videos recommended for a specific suggested use.)