Grade 7

Videos are listed chronologically by date added, beginning with the most recent

The Sweater

This video is an animated version of Roch Carrier's book, "The Hockey Sweater." It is set in the 1940s, when listening to the hockey game on the radio was a Saturday night tradition, as well as rooting for the Montréal Canadiens. All the boys worshipped Maurice "Rocket" Richard and proudly wore n...

The Healing Professions: Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy

The Healing Professions is a resource designed to provide prospective students with information about professions in medicine, nursing and pharmacy with a cultural perspective. The resource features Elders Ken Goodwill and Betty McEnna providing advice to youth about their pathways in life. In ad...

The Rockies

Geologists search for clues of massive tectonic shifts that reverberate through the continent, forcing the mountains up out of the plains. Bends and cracks reveal the growth pangs of the mountain building era.

The Great Lakes

This episode tells the story of the changes in the geology and landscape of the vast central area of North America. In recent geologic history, five interconnected freshwater lakes are formed. We explore a long vanished mountain range, the remains of a tropical salt-water sea and trace the story ...

The Canadian Shield

Geologic time has shaped the Canadian Shield into a complex ensemble ranging over millions of square kilometres. The geography of the Shield has been surveyed from North to South, and yet its underground world still leaves much to be explored. The Canadian Shield is one of the last frontiers of h...

The Atlantic Coast

This episode tells the story in three dramatic chapters of how tectonic upheaval pummelled and pounded eastern North America until the shape we recognize today finally emerged. The discovery of fossils provides proof of how North America and Africa were once bound together. Tectonic movement lies...

The Appalachians

From studying the sediment deposits at Anticosti Island, to rebuilding the history of one of the most significant mass extinctions (443 million years ago), scientists are piecing together elements that continue to shape this diverse region. Scientists reveal the fractures in this active earthquak...

Brain Gains: Better Grades Through Fitness

Series: The National
The National visits an inner city high school in Saskatoon, SK, where teacher Allison Cameron tests the theory that vigorous daily exercise improves academic performance. City Park Collegiate is considered a high school of last resort for kids who haven't been able to make it anywhere else. The G...



Aboriginality re-imagines the strength and spirit of First Nations culture through narrative mediums that connect urban First Nations youth to their rural ancestral histories. Dallas Arcand, world champion hoop dancer and hip-hop artist, is inspired by both new and traditional elements of First N...

Come Again in Spring

Old Hark enjoys living in his weather-beaten house, chopping wood, doing his chores and reflecting on his long life. His greatest joy is feeding the birds that have wintered over and have come to depend on him. When a black-robed figure materializes out of the fields, brandishing the Book of Time...

I Can Make Art Like Kai Chan

Series: I Can Make Art
Ontario sculptor Kai Chan discusses his artistic philosophy of economy and repetition with young students. Kai challenges everyone to see the beauty in ordinary things. He has the ability to transform mundane materials into delicate and delightful works of art. Kai guides the students as they bui...

I Can Make Art Like Marcelle Ferron

Series: I Can Make Art
In this program, young students explore the work and life of abstract painter and stained glass maker, Quebec born, Marcelle Ferron. They experiment with the texture and tranparency of cellophane and paint as they create their own art works.

I Can Make Art Like Ron Noganosh

Series: I Can Make Art
Ontario installation artist and sculptor, Ron Noganosh inspires a class of middle level students to turn found objects into art. Students talk about their individual projects and how they feel about art. Includes themes of personal and cultural identity.

I Can Make Art Like Andrew Qappik

Series: I Can Make Art
Andrew Qappik is a world-renowned printmaker from Pangnirtung, Nunavut who was originally inspired by images in the comic books he read as a child. Today, Andrew finds his subjects in the stories, traditions, and day to day events of his world. Andrew captivates his student audience by creating a...

I Can Make Art Like Maud Lewis

Series: I Can Make Art
A class of 16 Grade 6 students learns about the life and work of renowned Nova Scotia folk artist Maud Lewis. Guided by folk artist Kyle Jackson, they create a folk art painting of their own Halifax neighborhood. The power and simple pleasure of folk art is explored.

Displaying videos 31 - 45 of 56 in total