Physical Education Wellness 10
Videos are listed chronologically by date added, beginning with the most recent
Art Can Change the World. The Process
This video discusses how student collaboration can bring out the talents in each student and make everyone feel comfortable expressing their ideas, including performing in front of other people.
Art Can Change the World. Big Ideas
The big ideas contained in the unit are highlighted: art can open minds, art can evoke emotion and art can convey a message.
Say It Through Dance. Assessment
This video highlights how student conversations can be an important tool in assessment.
Say It Through Dance. The Process
This video explains how students can become comfortable with dance and experiment with it as a form of expression.
Say It Through Dance. Big Ideas
This video explores the big ideas that the unit is designed to convey, such as: art needs a purpose, using dance to interpret text and the interconnectedness of all forms of art.
Show Don't Tell. Assessment
This video explains how students can be empowered in their learning if they understand how they will be assessed.
Show Don't Tell. Big Ideas
This video highlights key ideas in the unit, including: theatre is collaborative and drama is a method to convey a message.
The Beat Goes On. Assessment
This video emphasizes the contributions students can make to developing the assessments used in a unit.
The Beat Goes On. Big Ideas
This video points out how the big ideas of the unit focus on music as a way to convey culture and place.
Problem Solving Portraits. Assessment
This video highlights the types of assessment that are part of this unit, such as: journaling, checklists and various types of rubrics.
Problem Solving Portraits. The Process
Concepts such as how this unit allows students to bond over self-reflection and celebrate their differences are highlighted in this video.
Problem Solving Portraits. Big Ideas
This video describes the themes of the unit, including: artists take risks and using portraits to reveal elements of personality.
My Monster Wears Prada. Big Ideas
This video discusses how the unit incorporates all four strands of Arts Education - dance, drama, music and visual art.
My Monster Wears Prada. The Process
This video explores how a unit can evolve and change as it is being taught.
My Monster Wears Prada. Assessment
This video discusses the value of a portfolio as an assessment tool and as a record of student progress.