Physical Education Wellness 10
Videos are listed chronologically by date added, beginning with the most recent
Sonic Magic: The Wonder and Science of Sound
Sound surrounds us. Whether it's sound we choose to hear, like the music we play in our headphones, or sound we'd rather do without, like the noise of the city, we live in a sonic world that we seldom think twice about. Sonic Magic takes us behind the scenes in cutting-edge hospitals an...
Force of Nature: The David Suzuki Movie
Force of Nature: The David Suzuki Movie
Cold Journey
Cold Journey
Indigenous in the City
In the opening episode of the four-part series 8th Fire, host Wab Kinew, from the Ojibways of Onigaming First Nation in Northern Ontario, and now a Winnipeg-based TV journalist, invites us to come "meet the neighbours." It's about time, since many Canadians say they have never met ...
Wapos Bay: Patients (Cree version)
Indian Time
Pay Attention!
This episode on 'attention' is shot in the attention-demanding city of Las Vegas. Our guide for this episode's journey into the brain will be master magician David Copperfield, whose stock and trade is manipulating an audience's attention to produce amazing illusions. Magicians like David unde...
Around Perception
Mother of Many Children
Cree Way
Spirit of the Trees: Circle of Life
The Moon Changes
New Times, New Ways (Part 2 of 2)
This second of two new Canada: A People's History episodes begins as 9/11 shakes the world. Canada fights terrorism in Afghanistan and pays a heavy price; the Muslim community is under suspicion; Indigenous women are Idle No More; Canadian athletes own the podium at the Olympi...