Social Studies
Videos are listed chronologically by date added, beginning with the most recent
The Great Lakes
Series: Geologic Journey
This episode tells the story of the changes in the geology and landscape of the vast central area of North America. In recent geologic history, five interconnected freshwater lakes are formed. We explore a long vanished mountain range, the remains of a tropical salt-water sea and trace the story ...
The Canadian Shield
Series: Geologic Journey
Geologic time has shaped the Canadian Shield into a complex ensemble ranging over millions of square kilometres. The geography of the Shield has been surveyed from North to South, and yet its underground world still leaves much to be explored. The Canadian Shield is one of the last frontiers of h...
The Atlantic Coast
Series: Geologic Journey
This episode tells the story in three dramatic chapters of how tectonic upheaval pummelled and pounded eastern North America until the shape we recognize today finally emerged. The discovery of fossils provides proof of how North America and Africa were once bound together. Tectonic movement lies...
The Appalachians
Series: Geologic Journey
From studying the sediment deposits at Anticosti Island, to rebuilding the history of one of the most significant mass extinctions (443 million years ago), scientists are piecing together elements that continue to shape this diverse region. Scientists reveal the fractures in this active earthquak...
For Angela
Starring Tina Keeper and Tiffany Peters, this production presents a re-enactment of a racial assault on Rhonda Gordon and her daughter Angela. When confronted and verbally abused by a group of youths on a bus, Rhonda worries that the incident will cause Angela to reject her Aboriginal heritage. I...
Boys, Toys and the Big Blue Marble
In Boys, Toys and the Big Blue Marble, abused and exploited youngsters all over the world speak about their lives. This tough documentary told from the boys' viewpoint is an appraisal of childhoods destroyed by slavery, criminality, war, sexual exploitation and human stupidity.
ati-wîcahsin (It's Getting Easier)
In ati-wîhcasin (It's Getting Easier) filmmaker Tessa Desnomie celebrates the life and times of her grandmother, Jane Merasty. Born and raised on the trapline, this Woodlands Cree woman witness's significant changes over her 80 years.
O Mother, Where Art Thou?
O Mother, Where Art Thou? by filmmakers Paul John Swiderski takes stock of his adoptive family and the security and well-being that they have always provided for him. However, he begins to wonder about his biological family.
Life Givers: Honouring Our Elders and Children
Life Givers: Honouring Our Elders and Children is a film by Janine Windolph that testifies to the need to grieve and to honour the memory of loved ones.
The Power of a Horse
In The Power of a Horse, filmmaker Cory Generoux deals with the scars that racism left on his life - both as its recipient and perpetrator.
The Ghosts of Futures Past: Tom Berger in the North
Series: The Nature of Things
The Canadian Arctic is one of the world's last great wilderness regions and is facing pressures concerning natural gas exploration. The Mackenzie Valley Pipeline, the largest construction project in Canada in more than a century, will bring natural gas from the Far North to Alberta's Tar Sands fo...
They Dance at Night
Series: Wapos Bay
Wapos Bay is an animated series about the adventures of three Cree children living in northern Saskatchewan. Raven and T-Bear learn what can happen when they forget to respect tradition. All three children discover that carelessness is disrespectful. With help from Mushom and an Elder, they take ...
The Elements
Series: Wapos Bay
Wapos Bay is an animated series about the adventures of three Cree children living in northern Saskatchewan. Talon, T-Bear, Raven and Mushom are at a cultural camp to learn traditional ways. At camp, mishaps occur that test the children. The family makes it home safely, but their journey to Elder...
Something to Remember
Series: Wapos Bay
Wapos Bay is an animated series about the adventures of three Cree children living in northern Saskatchewan. While preparing for a Remembrance Day tribute, T-Bear is amazed to learn that his Mushom is a war veteran. Meanwhile, Raven's attempts to convince her favourite teacher to stay in Wapos Ba...
A Time to Learn
Series: Wapos Bay
Wapos Bay is an animated series about the adventures of three Cree children living in northern Saskatchewan. Talon has homework to complete before setting out for the trap line with his father. Meanwhile, T-Bear accidentally lets a sled dog escape. Talon and T-Bear learn the importance of listeni...