Practical & Applied Arts

Videos are listed chronologically by date added, beginning with the most recent

Budget 2012. The Axe Begins to Fall

In March 2012, Stephen Harper's Conservatives table a new budget. It outlines plans for more than $5-billion of spending cuts, as well as one for phasing out the penny. This video examines details of the budget and looks at the reaction from the opposition and other Canadians.

The Drug War in Mexico

For years, the Mexican government has been fighting that country's powerful drug cartel, and tens of thousands of people have been killed. This video looks at the drug war and why defeating the cartels is proving so difficult.

Generation One. Living in Two Worlds

Canada is a country of immigrants. This video explores "Generation One," children of immigrants who were born in Canada but are still heavily influenced by the cultures and traditions of the countries where their parents once resided.

Bill C-30 and Internet Policy

The federal government has tables a bill that many believe could threaten the civil rights of Canadians and the freedom of the Internet. Bill C-30 would require Internet service providers to gather information on their clients and allow police to access that information without a warrant.

Election 2011 and the Robocall Scandal

Allegations of illegal behaviour during the last federal election lead to a large-scale investigation. Thousands of Canadians received phone calls aimed at discouraging them from voting. This video discusses the political reaction and the search for those responsible.

The Vancouver Hockey Riot

After the 2011 Stanley Cup final, hundreds of hockey fans riot in Vancouver streets and cause millions of dollars in damages. This video revisits the event, looks at the progress of the police investigation, how the community is dealing with the aftermath, and why some young people engage in viol...

Research in Motion's High-Tech Woes

Research in Motion (RIM) is one of Canada's most successful high-tech companies. It developed the Blackberry smartphone, but the company has been losing ground to the competition. This video examines RIM's troubles and the future of the company.

The Great Oil Pipeline Debate

The U.S. government delays approval of a pipeline to transport oil from Alberta to refineries in Texas. The Canadian government responds by saying it will speed up approval of another pipeline to carry the oil over the Rocky Mountains to British Columbia. This video looks at why the government wa...

Egypt's Revolution One Year Later

It's been a year since a popular revolution toppled the government of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. Many Egyptians remain dissatisfied by the pace of democratic reform. This video examines why so many feel betrayed and asks citizens where they think their country should be going.

The Horror and Fear of Honour Killing

A high-profile murder trial in Kingston, Ontario, draws attention to the phenomenon of so-called honour killing. It is a crime where cultural clashes can lead some families to murder their own relatives. This video examines this subject and look at how some Canadian women are living in fear.

The Emergency in Attawapiskat

The First Nations community of Attawapiskat declares a state of emergency. Many residents of the isolated Northern Ontario reserve are living in tents, trailers and temporary shelters, even as winter approaches. This video looks at the desperate state of that community and why it needs help.

Canada and the Jobless Crisis

Canada's unemployment rate rises to 7.5 per cent, its highest level since April 2011. Canada's economy appears to be stalling, and the situation is particularly bleak in the country's two largest provinces, Quebec and Ontario. This video examines the situation and look at how two Ontario cities a...

The Bloodbath in Syria

Hundreds of thousands of people are staging massive protests in the streets of Syria. They are demanding the resignation of the country's ruler, Bashar al-Assad. But his regime's response has been a bloody one, and thousands of protesters have been gunned down.

The Struggle to Save Canada's Farmland

Every year Canada loses thousands of acres of farmland by farmers giving up farming or selling their land to developers. A group of Ontario farmers thought they were selling their land to a large company so it could grow potatoes, only to discover it was to be turned into a quarry.

The Rise of the Occupy Movement

A group called Occupy Wall Street begins a series of demonstrations in New York City. The movement starts as a public protest against social and economic inequality and what the protestors call corporate greed. The movement spreads to several Canadian cities.

Displaying videos 571 - 585 of 810 in total