Grade 9 Arts Education
Videos are listed chronologically by date added, beginning with the most recent
Memory and Myth. The Art of Chuck Crate
In his surrealistic work, Crate is concerned with the history he has lived and seen and the places, from the coastal villages to the prairie and the far north, that have deeply influenced the directions of his life.
Contemporary Traces
Series: Dance Alive
Contemporary Traces examines the work of two inspiring Saskatchewan choreographers, Robin Poitras and Tracy Pfeifer. Each choreographer's approach to the art of dance-making is explored through interviews and excerpts from: "Tangora," choreographed by Robin Poitras, performed by Robin Poitras and...
Wisdom Keepers
Series: Dance Alive
In Wisdom Keepers, from the Dance Alive series, powwow dances such as the Grass, Jingle and men's and women's Fancy dances are demonstrated. History and issues surrounding First Nations dances are discussed and dancers are interviewed.
Folk Stage Dance
Series: Dance Alive
Choreographers of folk stage dance look back to the traditions of the mother country for inspiration while being influenced by the contemporary culture of their adopted homeland. This video features a Ukrainian dance group (Poltava Ensemble) and two of the oldest and most vital folk stage dance c...